As the previous discussion on displaying mathematics on the web has become quite lengthy, I am opening a fresh post to continue the topic.  I’m leaving the previous thread open for those who wish to respond directly to some specific comments in that thread, but otherwise it would be preferable to start afresh on this thread to make it easier to follow the discussion.

It’s not easy to summarise the discussion so far, but the comments have identified several existing formats for displaying (and marking up) mathematics on the web (mathMLjsMath, MathJaxOpenMath), as well as a surprisingly large number of tools for converting mathematics into web friendly formats (e.g.  LaTeX2HTMLLaTeXMathML, LaTeX2WPWindows 7 Math Inputitex2MMLRitexGellmumathTeXWP-LaTeXTeX4htblahtexplastexTtHWebEQtechexplorer, etc.).  Some of the formats are not widely supported by current software, and by current browsers in particular, but it seems that the situation will improve with the next generation of these browsers.

It seems that the tools that already exist are enough to improvise a passable way of displaying mathematics in various formats online, though there are still significant issues with accessibility, browser support, and ease of use.  Even if all these issues are resolved, though, I still feel that something is still missing.    Currently, if I want to transfer some mathematical content from one location to another (e.g. from a LaTeX file to a blog, or from a wiki to a PDF, or from email to an online document, or whatever), or to input some new piece of mathematics, I have to think about exactly what format I need for the task at hand, and what conversion tool may be needed.  In contrast, if one looks at non-mathematical content such as text, links, fonts, non-Latin alphabets, colours, tables, images, or even video, the formats here have been standardised, and one can manipulate this type of content in both online and offline formats more or less seamlessly (in principle, at least – there is still room for improvement), without the need for any particularly advanced technical expertise.  It doesn’t look like we’re anywhere near that level currently with regards to mathematical content, though presumably things will improve when a single mathematics presentation standard, such as mathML, becomes universally adopted and supported in browsers, in operating systems, and in other various pieces of auxiliary software.

Anyway, it has been a very interesting and educational discussion for me, and hopefully for others also; I look forward to any further thoughts that readers have on these topics.  (Also, feel free to recapitulate some of the points from the previous thread; the discussion has been far too multifaceted for me to attempt a coherent summary by myself.)